Bralind Kiri
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Skills and Expertise
Economics of knowledge, economics of education, philosophy of economics, economic history, agri-food economics.
Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences, Melilla, University of Granada. Bralind Kiri holds the academic rank of Assistant Professor issued from ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation). He has held academic positions at the following institutions: University of Salamanca (Spain), University of Bologna (Italy), TOBB University (Turkey), UNYT (Albania), University of Tartu (Estonia), and a visiting researcher position at University of Extremadura (Spain). Regarding the educational background, he holds a PhD in Economics and Business from University of Granada (Spain). Previously he also earned two master’s degrees in areas of Economics and Business after having graduated in Finance and Accounting. His research interests cover a wide range of diverse, but interrelated topics, among which the following can be highlighted: economic history, agri-food economics, economics of knowledge, economics of education, philosophy of economics.
Selected publications
Refereed articles
Kiri, B., Lacetera, N., & Zirulia, L. (2018). Above a swamp: a theory of high-quality scientific production. Research Policy, 47(5), 827-839.
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)=3.688; Category: Management of Technology and Innovation; Position: 8/341 (Q1).
Book chapters
- Kiri, B. (2012).»Public versus Private Monopoly in the Higher Education Market». In John E. Kesner (Eds.). Education: Evaluation, Policy and Reforms (pp. 201-218). Athens: ATINER.
- Kiri, B. (2016). «A note on duopolistic competition in higher education markets». In Cordero, J., M., and Simancas, R. (Eds.). Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación, 11, (pp. 337-348). Badajoz: AEDE.
- Kiri, B. (2013). An Enquiry into the Rationales of Economic Regulation and Provision of Higher Education. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Granada: Spain.
Working papers
- Kiri, B., Lacetera, N., & Zirulia, L. (2015). Above a swamp: a theory of high-quality scientific production. (NBER Working Paper 21143). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Membership in research projects
- Doctoral Research Fellowship – Program II-A, awarded from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Agency for International Cooperation and Development (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación — Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, MAEC-AECID), Madrid, Spain; Period: 2009-2012. Project’s topic: An Enquiry into the Rationales of Economic Regulation and Provision of Higher Education.
- Visiting Dora Fellowship of the European Social Fund, awarded from the Archimedes Foundation (Sihtasutus Archimedes) for a visiting research period at the Department of Economics, University of Tartu, Estonia; Period: 2012-2013. Project’s topic: Economics of Higher Education.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded from the Department of Economics of University of Bologna (Italy); Period: 2013-2014. Project’s topic: Replication in science: a game-theoretic approach.
- Research Fellowship awarded from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu, TÜBİTAK) and hosted by the TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey; Period: 2014-2015. Project’s topic: Tuition Fee versus Admission Exam Rationing Strategy in the Higher Education Sector.
- Research project financed by the Junta of Castile-León and the European Union (Junta de Castilla-León y Unión Europea, Ref: SA241P18) and hosted by iECYT of the Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain; Period: 2019-2021. Project’s title: Foreign assistance and industrial and scientific-technical modernization in Castile and León. Analysis of local potentialities and global options, c.1950-present.
- Research Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación, Ref: PID2019-105783GB-I00) and hosted by iECYT and Department of Philosophy of the Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain; Period: 2020-2024. Project’s title: The role of distributed and dialogical expertise in the solution of public scientific-technological disputes: an epistemological, argumentative and sociological analysis.