Publishing Projects and Editorial Management of the centre’s members
- Serie Selección de Textos . Director: Juan Redmond. Editors: Rodrigo López Orellana and Jorge Budrovich.
- Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso – SCOPUS, SciELO, ERIH PLUS; eISSN 0719-4242. Editor in Chief: Rodrigo López Orellana.
- Serie Cuadernos de lógica, epistemología y lenguaje – College Publications, Londres, UK. Directors: Juan Redmond and Shahid Rahman. Assistant Editor: Rodrigo López Orellana.
- LEUS: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Springer – Series Editors: Shahid Rahman and Nicolas Clerbout. ISSN: 2214-9775.
- LAR: Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences – Series Editors: Shahid Rahman and Juan Redmond. ISSN: 2214-9120.